7 C’s of Professional Development


Think about how important Professional Development is...

It motivates you.
It encourages you.
It educates you.
It empowers you.
It excites you.
It makes your life easier.

Or at least it should do all of the above!

But unfortunately, many teachers (and administrators) don't feel this way about their professional development.  So how can we - as either individuals or as school leaders - make sure that professional develop is all that is should be... and more?

These 7 C's of Professional Development can provide a checklist to make sure you are putting your efforts towards the most successful Professional Development possible.   How many of these C's does your current Professional Development Plan/Program provide?  Who is in control?  Is it time to take PD into your own hands?

1.  Content:  Content is king!  Make sure you have a variety of content in your PD program.  From the topic to the way they are delivered.  Every learner is different, and you deserve a broad range of content areas and delivery methods to meet your individual learning needs.

2.  Collaboration:  Peer-to-peer collaboration is one of the best forms of PD for educators!  Make sure your PD plan (whether personal or from your school) includes collaboration as a main component.  And don't just stick to the peers in your immediate circle.  It's a BIG world out there - connect and collaborate globally.

3.  Community:   In a true community, all members are active participants - everyone feels empowered to add to the discussions.  You should feel welcome and at home, and know that you have a supportive group of other like-minded professionals who are there to help.

4. Choice:  One-size fits all PD just doesn't work.  Teachers need reach choices.  Choice gives you the freedom to learn what you need to learn - and ensures that the you are actively engaged in what you are learning - you chose it!

5.  Convenience:  We all know teacher's largest struggle... "I don't have enough time in my day!"   PD needs to be convenient and online is a GREAT way to go.  Anytime, anywhere learning at your convenience.  From cell phones, to iPods, to PCs and iPads.... PD really is just an on/off switch away.

6. Commitment:   Once-and-done PD just doesn't cut it anymore.  PD needs to be ongoing and supportive.  No one's questions are completely answered in a training session.  Make sure your program is committed to giving you the time to put into practice what you've learned, and get feedback later when you need it.  The program should also be committed to always bringing you the best resources on a continual basis.

7. Correlated:   What good are content, choices, and convenience if they are not all related to what you are doing with your students on a daily basis?  Your PD program should offer you real-world advice and practical solutions you can implement in your classroom the very next day.

1 comment:

  1. Professional development motivates,encourages,empowers and makes our life easier.This blog is very nice and thanks for sharing this blog with us.


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